The Round Room, Mansion House

The Next Iteration: ShipItCon, August 29th, 2025.

The Round Room, Mansion House

The Next Iteration: ShipItCon, August 29th, 2025.

The Round Room, Mansion House

The Next Iteration: ShipItCon, August 29th, 2025.

Speaker Announcement: Clare Dillon

Posted by Robert Annett

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Clare Dillon
Executive Director of InnerSource Commons

Our 3rd confirmed speaker for ShipItCon brings a wealth of experience from across the tech industry. Without further ado please welcome Clare Dillon to ShipItCon 2023!!! ????

Session Title : InnerSource – Powering Open Collaboration in a Complex World

Clare is the Executive Director of InnerSource Commons Foundation, the world’s largest community of InnerSource practitioners. Clare is also currently a PHD Researcher with the University of Galway, investigating Code Ownership concepts in InnerSource. In 2021, Clare co-founded Open Ireland Network, a community for those interested in advancing open source at a national level in Ireland. Previously, Clare was a member of the Microsoft Ireland Leadership Team, heading up their Developer Evangelism and Experience Group. Clare frequently speaks at international conferences and corporate events on topics relating to the open collaboration and future of work.

Tickets are available today. Join us, bring a friend, bring your team and enjoy a day of inspirational, technical and thought provoking talks.

#sic2023 #community #tech #collaboration #team

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